Sunday, September 26, 2010

Enlarging Machine Skit

machine-looking box, small frisbee, large frisbee, small ball, large ball, small flower, large flower, doll, diaper

machine operator, kid

You need a very large box to look like a machine. You then will put things into the machine and they will come out larger (frisbee, ball, flower). Then you will put a baby doll in and out will come a kid dressed in a diaper.

M&M’ On The Park Bench Skit

2 chairs, M&M’s, chocolate syrup

girl, studly guy, nerd

Have an attractive girl sitting on a chair with an empty chair next to her. A studly guy comes in to pounding music. Sits down. He puts the moves on her, no dice. He leaves. Nerd comes in to twinky music eating LOTS OF M&M’s. He puts dorky moves on. Girl responds. He gives her a long kiss. When they sit up, look at audience, she smiles and chocolate syrup she’s had in mouth all along, oozes out, down face.

Cooking With Kodiak Skit

Kodiak, razor, Oreo, tins, milk, blender, salad

cooking host

Cooking show where hosts love Kodiak. Sprinkle lots on everything and eat. Slice a Kodiak tin with a razor, clean out and crumble Oreo outsides to look like dip. Have a couple of real tins to throw out to crowd and for smell. Make milk shake in blender, salad, etc.

The Emergency Broadcast System Skit


emergency personnel

This skit involves all of the leaders. They get up front and someone says, "This is a test of the emergency broadcast system, this is only a test." One person makes the "eeeeeee" sound that we hear on the radio, then the first person says, had this not been a test but a real situation the following would have happened. The second person makes the "eeeeeee" sound again and all of the leaders go crazy and run out of the room like the world is coming to and end.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Joey Bologna Skit

bread, baloney, mayo, mustard, knife, plate

Joey Bologna, victim

Joey bologna is a guy who makes baloney sandwiches at lunchtime at work, and he has brought all that he needs in strange places, like bread in one shoe and bologna in the other, mayo under one arm and mustard under the other, and maybe a knife and a plate in a strange place too. Have someone eat the sandwich.

Eddie Spaghetti Skit

spaghetti, sauce, Parmesan cheese, bread, plates, fork, table

Eddy Spaghetti, victim

Eddie Spaghetti is a guy who makes spaghetti at lunchtime at work, and he has brought all that he needs in strange places, like spaghetti in his shoes, Parmesan cheese in his hair, etc. Have someone eat it.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Where Did You Come From Skit

chairs, pop corn

movie watchers, screaming person

This skit is a movie theater scene. I row of people are watching a movie, and one person is on the ground moaning and screaming in pain. The people try to get the person to be quiet because he/she is interrupting the movie. After a series of interaction someone asks, "Where are you from anyway?" The person answers, "The balcony." (As in — they fell from the balcony.)

Peanut Butter Deodorant Skit

jacket, pitted shirt, jar of peanut butter, bread

girl, brother, nervous boy

Nervous boy comes over (wearing a jacket over his pit-stained shirt) to girl's house to pick her up for a date. 
Brother of girl answers door, small talk, and asks nervous guy to take off his jacket. 
Nervous guy refuses, and eventually does, revealing amazingly huge pit stains on shirt. 
Asks him about it, the guy says he just gets too nervous sometimes, and he wishes there was something he could do about it.

The girl's brother says he used to have the same problem, before he found the best deodorant ever: peanut butter. 
The brother demonstrates, by showing his peanut butter-covered pits (which he needs to have under his arms all this time, and he doesn't have to take his shirt off. He can have it on his shirt) The nervous guy is impressed, and liberally, and I mean liberally, applies it to his pits (the outside of his shirt).

Just then, the girl enters, says something like "hey Steve, are you ready to go?" And then the nervous guy, who is now confident, says "why bother going out for dinner? Dinner's on me!" 
Then the girl gets a couple of pieces of bread which are sitting somewhere close, and wipes them on his pits and eats them like a sandwich. (Yes, this is pretty gross. As you can guess, this skit depends upon finding a female leader who is willing to do this. Good luck.)