Monday, February 23, 2009

Houdini Game

pieces of rope

Have one person tie up another and then time how long it takes to escape. Use scotch tape as a variation to make it easier to escape.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Gun Gorilla Karate Mixer


Played like Paper, Rock, Scissors except that you play using the entire body. Pair everybody up and have each couple stand back to back. On the count of three, they turn around and act out either gun, karate or gorilla. Gun kills gorilla, gorilla kills karate, karate kills gun. Eliminate everyone until you have one person still alive. If a pair does the same movement three times, they are both out.

  • Punker (with hand on head like a Mohawk) beats Jock (with muscle pose) beats Cowboy (guns pose) beats Punker.
  • Michael Jackson (in moonwalk stance) beats Punker (headbanging) beats Rocky (hands in the air while running in place) beats Michael Jackson. Great for 80's Club.

Gummy Fish Game

2 goldfish, 4 cups, 2 gummy fish, 3 blindfolds

Show three guys two cups with live goldfish and two with just water. Blindfold them and replace the goldfish with cups that have gummy fish in the water. Have the guys choose a cup and then drink. They'll think they are drinking a real fish. Have a leader be one of the guys and drink a real fish to shock the audience. They'll talk about it for months.

Goofy Relay Mixer

bag, pieces of paper

Divide the club into teams. Have a bag with slips of paper and goofy things to do (sing "Three Blind Mice," take off shoes, touch all four corners of room, sit by self in corner and don't talk.) Kid takes a piece of paper, follows the instructions and then touches the next kid to take a piece of paper and do what it says, etc.

Glove Race Game

2-3 latex gloves

Buy cheap latex/surgical gloves (you can find them at supermarkets or at paint supply aisles in hardware stores). Two to three kids up front put the glove on their head, pulling it down to just between their nose and mouth. Each kid races to blow the glove up by breathing in through their mouth and exhaling out their nose. It helps to have them hold the glove on their face with their hands. Generally, the more hair, the less successful, but I have seen guys blow the thing up 2-3 feet above their heads! This is a great opportunity to take pictures.

Gargle Olympics Game

cups of water

Have kids come up for the Gargle Olympics. Events are:
  1. Gargle as long as possible without stopping for breath.
  2. Gargle to the tune of a familiar song.

Garbage Bag Pass Mixer

3 paper garbage bags

Each of three team tries to pass a paper garbage bag down to the end of the line. First person puts bag on head, second person goes under bag with first person. First person gets out, then third person goes under the bag.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Four-Legged Race Mixer


Use groups of three. Outside people tie legs together, with person in the middle. Race around room.

Football Night Club

football, backyard lights, sound system, refreshments

Instead of having a regular club, have a football game where the guys play the girls. Guys play on their knees, and girls play standing up. Sell ahead of time. Have the National Anthem and Olympic music. Have lights for the backyard and a sound system for the play-by-play. After the game, have refreshments inside, a few songs and short talk.

Food Relay Mixer

bowls, food

This is a relay between two or three teams. Place different types of food in bowls on the floor. The teams consist of as many couples as you like. They must walk wheelbarrow style to the food, eat the food and then return back to the start. Then the next couple goes. Continue until all the food is gone.

Follow the Flashlight Game

sheet, flashlight, paper plates, whip cream

Put three people behind the sheet and use four people to hold the sheet up. Put the flashlight behind a sheet. The participants follow the light with their nose to the beat of the music. Bring the light to the edge of the sheet and pie the kid who follows it. Can be done in pairs, make them cross, etc.

Fish and Egg Fight Game

3 eggs, tape, 3 dead fish

Three guys have a girl on their back and an egg taped to their forehead. Each girl has a dead fish and tries to smash the other team's egg.

Favorite Activity Game


Ask three people to act out their favorite activity. Before they begin, take the actors out of earshot and explain to the club that they are acting out their morning bathroom routine.

Fatty Foods Study Game

lab coat, safety glasses, white clothes, water balloon launcher, Twinkies, Big Mac, Vienna sausages

Have a kid dress up in a lab coat and say, "We are going to study the impact of fatty foods on the body." Have another kid come out dressed in white, wearing safety glasses. Then take out a Twinkie, go across the room and launch it from a water balloon launcher trying to hit the kid in the lab coat. Then use other foods like a Big Mac, Vienna sausages, etc. Be prepared for a mess.

Famous People Guess Mixer

pieces of paper, pens

Divide club into two teams. Each team write the names of famous people on pieces of paper. You will need a lot of names. A person from one team comes up and pulls a name out of the pile. They can use any description, except the person's name, while the team tries to guess. When they get it right, they pull out another name. Time them for a minute, then it's the other team's turn.

Family Feud Mixer

surveys of questions

Go to school to ask the sample questions, then play the game by classes. Your host will mean a lot and you will want to have cheesy music and an announcer to "tell them what they can win." Sample questions:
  1. Who's the hottest couple?
  2. What's your favorite musical group?
  3. Who is the nicest person in school?
  4. First thing you do when you get up?
  5. Where do you go on a date?
  6. What rule do your parents have that you would change?
  7. What is your favorite olympic sport?
  8. First thing you would buy if you were given $1000?
  9. What is the best music video?
  10. What is the fastest brand of car?
  11. What is your favorite fast food place?
  12. What is an English-speaking country?
  13. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
  14. What is the #1 video game?
  15. What is your favorite brand of peanut butter?
  16. Best car stereo brand?
  17. Which fruit or vegetable is yellow?

Face Sculpture Mixer

4 Scotch tape rolls

Form four teams. Give each team a roll of Scotch tape and have them make a face sculpture on one kid's face.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Feet Spell Game/Mixer

black Sharpie marker

Draw a letter on the bottom of five to 10 kids' feet. Have them lay on their backs. Call out words and get them to spell out the word. You can have race between teams.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Artist: Darude
Song: Sandstorm

A classic trance/techno/dance song that all kids know. We've found it useful to play during games, mixers, or as introduction music for skit characters.

Buy or preview on iTunes

Kleenex Drop Game

Kleenex, roll out party horn

Divide participants into pairs. One person lies on the floor with a straw in his or her mouth and blows Kleenex up in the air. The other partner tries to catch the Kleenex in a roll-out party horn. The most in a set amount of time wins.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Brain Freeze Game

1-2 boxes of popsicles


Have individuals or teams race to finish any number of popsicles up to one box per team. Surprisingly difficult.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tongue Tied Game

3 pieces of bubble gum

Give three kids a piece of wrapped bubble gum. Have them each put the gum in their mouths simultaneously, wrapper and all. They must unwrap it in their mouths (no hands), spit out the wrapper, then blow a bubble. First kids to blow a bubble wins.

Freeze a wrapped or unwrapped piece of gum in an ice cube.

Egg Antlers Game

nylons, eggs, package of hamburger buns


Put an egg in the toe of a pair of nylons and place the nylons over someone's head. While both kids' mobility is reduced (tie ankles together or have them hop on one foot while holding the other), have the second kid try to swat and break the egg using a package of hamburger buns (use old moldy ones if you have 'em since they'll be trashed anyway). It's good to have this done in the center of a circle.

Blindfold both kids, tie their ankles together, and tie a bell around their ankles! Brilliant!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Eat That Food Mixer

beach ball, brown bags, edibles (baby food, onion, candy bar, goldfish)

Throw a beach ball out in club. Have kids throw it around while the music is playing. Whoever hits it last before the music stops, that person comes up, picks out a bag and has to eat whatever is in it - baby food, onion, candy bar, goldfish.